A.V.Shestopalov. On Efficiency of Coal Seam Methane Extraction Geotechnologies Involving Cavity Generation Around Wells. - In: Methane mitigation: Proceeding of Second International Conference (June 18-23, 2000, Novosibirsk, Russia). - Novosibirsk, SO RAN, 2000. - p.419-422.
A.V.Shestopalov. Practical, Free, Ecological, and Safe Method for Producing Electrical Energy and a Substitute for Natural Gas from Coal Deposits. - In: Methane mitigation: Proceeding of Second International Conference (June 18-23, 2000, Novosibirsk, Russia). - Novosibirsk, SO RAN, 2000. - p.411-418.
A.V.Shestopalov. Dissipative Structures and Fragmentation at Macro- and Megascale Levels in the Rockmass end Part in Depth. - In: Mesomechanics: foundations and applications. / Program & abstracts (International Workshop. March 26-28, 2001. Tomsk, Russia). - Tomsk, IFPM SO RAN, 2001. - p.121-123.
A.V.Shestopalov. Simulation of Rock Behavior Under Load Using Numerical Methods and Cell Automaton Algorithm. - In: CADAMT'2001: Computer-Aided Design of Advanced Materials and Technologies. / Program & abstracts (International Conference. March 29-31, 2001. Tomsk, Russia). - Tomsk, IFPM SO RAN, 2001. - p.109.